Of Videogames and Visualisations

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bernd Kreimeier

The Case For Game Design Patterns

Bernd Kreimeier's Game Design Patterns are inspired by the work of Christopher Alexander and Gamma et al, about patterns in architecture and object-oriented software respectively. While recognising more specific applications of patterns to game design such as the work of Simpson, Kreiemier has opted to take a less software-specific approach and instead apply the design pattern methodology to gameplay of videogames instead of the code.

The pattern approach involves identifying a problem, and then coming up with, or recognising existing, solutions for that problem, discussing them, and giving them names. The main crux of patterns is giving a name to a commonly appearing concept so that designers can more efficiently communicate about it instead of having to repeatedly explain it. Patterns are named problem-solution pairs aimed at forming the basis of a design discourse for a given domain.

Kreiemier's game pattern template involves the following elements: name, problem, solution, consequences, examples and references. His work has attempted to translate the work of others, such as Crawford, Adams & Rollings, Barwood & Falstein and Church, into the pattern format. For example, in his "Paper-Rock-Scissors" pattern, he borrows Crawford's concept of "triangularity" and uses Adams & Rollings' warrior-barbarian-archer example to explain how the problem of avoiding a dominant strategy is solved by introducing non-transitive relationships. The name of the pattern is derived from the popular game of the same name in which Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beats Paper, and yet Paper beats Rock -- each strategy is equal, or at least no one strategy beats all others. Once game designers are aware of this pattern, such a structure within the design of a gameplay can thus be referred to by the name Scissor-Paper-Rock without having to be explained in detail as above.


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